Concept: Profit & Loss



The concept of Profit and Loss is a simple application of percentage change that we learnt in the Percentage chapter.

In such questions we are concerned with the percentage change (profit/loss percentage) in the price of an article. When an article is bought at Rs. 100 and then sold for Rs. 120, the price changes from 100 to 120. Since the price has increased, we earned a profit of (120 - 100 =) Rs. 20 and the percentage change in price (i.e. profit %) = (120 - 100)) 100 × 100 = 20%



The amount used in manufacturing an article or purchasing it is called cost price.

The price at which an article is sold is called selling price (abbreviated as S.P.)

When an article is sold for more than what it costs we say there is a profit or gain. Thus, 
Profit = S.P. – C.P.

When an article is sold for less than, what it costs we say there is loss. Thus,
Loss = C.P. – S.P.

Note: If the profit is negative it implies a loss.

  • If Cost Price and Profit/Loss % is given we can calculate the selling price as:
    S.P. = C.P. × 1 ± P 100

Here, 1 ± P 100 is simply the multiplication factor for change in price of the ariticle. Hence,
S.P. = C.P. × (multiplication factor)

  • If Selling Price and Profit/Loss % is given we can calculate the cost price as:
    C.P. = S . P . 1 ± P 100  =  S . P . m u l t i p l i c a t i o n   f a c t o r

  • If Cost Price and Selling Price is given, we can calculate the % profit/loss as:
    Profit/Loss % = S P - C P C P × 100 %  =  S P C P - 1 × 100 %

If the % change is positive we call it profit %, else if it is negative we call it as loss %.

(a) If C.P. = 125, S.P. = 96, then loss =?
(b) If C.P. = 112, S.P. = 132, then Gain =?
(c) If C.P. = 120, S.P. = 90, then Loss % =?
(d) If C.P. = 80, S.P. = 100, then Gain % =?
(e) If C.P. = 90, Gain % = 10, then S.P. =?
(f) If C.P. = 20, loss % = 25, then S.P. =?
(g) If S.P. = 84, Gain % = 20, then C.P. =?

(a) Loss = CP - SP = 125 - 96 = 29

(b) Gain = SP – CP = 132 – 112 = 20

(c) Loss = CP – SP = 120 – 90 = 30
Loss % = Loss/(C.P.) × 100% = 30/120 × 100 = 25%

(d) Gain % = Gain/(C.P.) × 100 = (SP - CP)/CP × 100
= 20/80 × 100 = 25%

(e) SP = CP × mf = 90 1 + 10 100 = 99

(f) SP = CP × mf = 20 1 - 25 100 = 15

(g) CP = S P m u l t i p l i c a t i o n   f a c t o r  =  84 1 + 20 100 = 70

Example: A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 30% and B sells it to C at a loss of 20%. If C pays Rs. 520 for it, at what price did A buy?

B sells the bicycle to C for Rs. 520 at a loss of 20%.

∴ Cost price for B = 520 1 - 20 100 = 650

⇒ A's selling price is Rs. 650 and his profit % is 30% (given).

∴ Cost price for A = 650 1 + 30 100 = 500

Alternate Method:
Price of the bicycle first increases by 30% and then decerases by 20% and finally becomes 520.

∴ 520 = (Initial Price) × 1 + 30 100 1 - 20 100

⇒ Initial Price = 520 13 10 × 8 10 = Rs. 500

∴ A bought the bike for Rs. 500.

Example: A man sold a horse at a loss of 7%. Had he been able to sell it at a gain of 9%, it would have fetched Rs. 64 more than it did. What was the cost price?

Let the cost price of hourse be Rs. 'x'

It is initially sold at a loss of 7%, i.e. SP = 0.93x

If the horse were sold for Rs. 64 more there would have been a gain of 9% i.e. SP = 1.09x

⇒ 0.93x + 64 = 1.09x

⇒ 0.16x = 64

⇒ x = Rs. 400

Due to Rs. 64 increase, there is a change of 16% (7% loss to 9% profit)

∴ 16% of CP = 64

⇒ CP = Rs. 400

Example: An article is sold at 20% profit. If its cost price is increased by Rs. 50 and at the same time if its selling price is also increased by Rs. 30, the percentage of profit decreases by 3 1 3 %. Find the cost price.


Let the original cost price be Rs. x

∴ original selling price is Rs. 1.2x

⇒ (1.2x + 30) = (x + 50) × 1 + 20 - 3 1 3 100

⇒ 1.2x + 30 = (x + 50) × 7 6

⇒ 7.2x + 180 = 7x + 350

∴ x = Rs. 850

Example: I sell 16 articles for the same money as I paid for 20. What is my gain per cent?

16 × SP = 20 × CP


= 20 16 = 5 4

∴ % profit = S P C P - 1 × 100 %  =  5 4 - 1 × 100 % = 25%

Direct Formula: When selling price of 'a' articles is same as cost price of 'b' articles. % profit = b a - 1 × 100 %

In previous example, % Profit = (20/16 - 1) × 100 = 25%

Example: If goods be purchased for Rs. 840, and one-fourth be sold at a loss of 20%, at what gain per cent should the remainder be sold so as to gain 20% on the whole transaction?

Cost of goods = Rs. 840

CP of one-fourth of these goods = 1/4 × 840 = Rs. 210

SP of these one-fourth goods = 0.8 × 210 = 168

Overall gain % = 20%

∴ Total revenue = 1.2 × 840 = Rs. 1008

∴ Revenue for the remaining three-fourth goods = 1008 - 168 = 840

CP of these three-fourth of these goods = 3/4 × 840 = Rs. 630

∴ profit on remaining three-fourth goods = 840 - 630 = Rs. 210

⇒ % Profit = 210 630 × 100 = 33 1 3 %

The gain or loss percent is always calculated on cost price.

In some questions profit or loss percentage would be given on selling price and you would be required to calculate actual profit or loss percentage.

Example: If profit is 20% on selling price, calculate actual profit%?

Let the sellign price be Rs. 100

∴ Profit = 20% of 100 = Rs. 20

∴ Cost price = 100 - 20 = Rs. 80

⇒ Actual profit % = 20/80 × 100 = 25%

Example: Three articles are bought at same cost price and sold at 40% profit, 30% profit and 10% loss respectively. Calcular the over profit/loss percentage?

Let the cost price of each article be Rs. 100

Profit on first article = 40% of 100 = Rs. 40

Profit on second article = 30% of 100 = Rs. 30

Loss on third article = 10% of 100 = Rs. 10

Overall Profit on these three articles = 40 + 30 - 10 = 60

Total cost price of these three articles = 3 × 100 = Rs. 300

∴ overall profit % = 60/300 × 100 = 20%

Example: Two articles are sold at same price, such that one is sold at 20% profit and the other at 20% loss. Calcular the over profit/loss percentage?

Let the selling price of each article be Rs. 960

Cost price of first article = 960/1.2 = Rs. 800

Cost price of second article = 960/0.8 = Rs. 1200

Total cost price of these articles = 800 + 1200 = Rs. 2000

Total selling price of these articles = 2 × 960 = Rs. 1920

Since total cost price is more than total selling price, there is a loss of 2000- 1920 = Rs. 80

∴ overall loss % = 80/2000 × 100 = 4%

  • When 2 or more articles are bought at same price and sold at a%, b%, ... profit respectively, then

Overall % profit = (a + b + ...) (no. of articles) %

i.e. Overall % profit = Simple average of individual profit/loss %.

  • When exactly 2 articles are sold at same price such that one is sold for P% profit and the other at P% loss, then

Overall % loss = P 2 100 %

there will always be a loss in such cases.



In such questions a shopkeeper would buy an item and then fix its price by increasing it by certain percetage. And then while selling he/she would give a certain % discount on this increased price.



List price or the price printed on the article is known as Marked Price (abbreviated as M.P.)

Percentage by which the shopkeeper increases the price.

Remember: Markup percentage is always calculated with cost price as the base.

While selling the shopkeeper may give a certain percentage discount on the marked price of an article, this is called discount percetage.

Remember: Discount percentage is always calculated with marked price as the base.

Suppopse a shopkeeper buys an article for Rs. 200 (Cost Price). He then marks it up by 50% (mark up %). Now the price of the article becomes Rs. 300 (Marked Price). While selling the shopkeer gives a discount of 20% (discount %) and sells it for Rs. 240 (Selling Price).

The process of marking up the price and then giving discount can be solved using the concept of successive percentage change.

Price of the article is first increased by m% and then decreased by d%. Hence, the overall percentage change = m - d - m × d 100

Example: A shopkeeper marks up his goods by 25% and then sells them at a discount of 20%. Find his profit/loss percetange?

Method 1:
Let the cost price of each article be Rs. 100

The articles is marked up by 25%, hence its marked price = 100 × 1.25 = Rs. 125

Now the article is sold by giving a discount of 20%, hence the selling price = 125 × 0.8 = Rs. 100

Since cost price = selling price = Rs. 100, the shopkeeper earns no profit no loss

∴ % profit = 0%

Price of the article is first increased by 25% and then decreased by 20%.

⇒ overall % change in price = 25 - 20 - 25 × 20 100 = 5 - 5 = 0%

There overall no profit no loss

Price of the article is first increased by 25% and then decreased by 20%.

Overall multiplication factor = 1+251001-20100 = 54 × 45 = 1

∴ overall percentage change = (1 - 1) × 100 = 0% i.e. no profit no loss.


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