

Let us first calculate the number of odd days after 7th Jun, 1963 till 7th Jun, 1968:

Odd days from
7th Jun, 1963 - 7th Jun, 1964 = 2 (because of 29th Feb, 1964) 
7th Jun, 1964 - 7th Jun, 1965 = 1
7th Jun, 1965 - 7th Jun, 1966 = 1
7th Jun, 1966 - 7th Jun, 1967 = 1
7th Jun, 1967 - 7th Jun, 1968 = 2 (because of 29th Feb, 1968)

Total odd days = 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 7 odd days = 0 odd days.

Now, let us calculate the odd days after 7thJune, 1968 till 15th Sep, 1968.

Jun = 23
Jul = 31
Aug = 31
Sep = 15

∴ Total days = 23 + 31 + 31 + 15 = 100 day.

∴ Odd days = Remainder (100 ÷ 7) = 2.

⇒ Total odd days from 7th Jun, 1963 till 15th Sep, 1968 = 0 + 2 = 2.

∴ If it is Thursday on 7th June, 1963, day of the week on 15th Sep, 1968 will be same as the day of the week 2 days after Thursday i.e., Saturday.

Hence, option (c).

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