

Since the ratio of speeds of faster person to slower person is less than 2, both of them will reach their respective ends and turn back before meeting for the second time.

Suppose they meet at a distance of x kms from P.

⇒ Distance covered by A = 100 + (100 - x) = 200 – x kms.

⇒ Distance covered by B = 100 + x kms.

Since both of them cover these distance in same time, ratio of speeds will be same as ratio of distances covered.


⇒ x = 80 kms.

⇒ A covers a total distance of 200 – 80 = 120 kms at the speed of 10 kmph. 

∴ Time taken by A = 120/10 = 12 hours.

Hence, they meet for the second time after 12 hours.

Hence, option (b).


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