

As there are a total of 64 players, in the first round 32 players would be eliminated and 32 players will advance to the 2nd round. 

In the 2nd round half of 32, i.e., 16 players would be eliminated and 16 will advance to 3rd round. 


In 3rd round ⇒ 8 will be eliminated and 8 will advance to 4th round.

In 4th round (QF) ⇒ 4 will be eliminated and 4 will advance to 5th round.

In 5th round (SF) ⇒ 2 will be eliminated and 2 will advance to 6th round.

In 6th round (Final) ⇒ This is final round and winner of the tournament will be decided in this round.


If the number of players in a knock-out tournament is 2k, then the number of rounds is k.

Here, number of players is 64 = 26, hence number of rounds is 6.

Hence, 6.

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