

Let the price of each orange and mango be o and m respectively.

∴ Total amount with Vishal = 50o or 40m
⇒ 50o = 40m
⇒ 5o = 4m
⇒ o : m = 4 : 5

Let o = 4x and m = 5x and total amount = 50o = 200x

Vishal kept 10% of 200x i.e., 20x for taxi
Amount left now = 200x - 20x = 180x.

Then, he bought 25 mangoes, hence cost of these 25 mangoes = 25m = 125x
Amount left now = 180x - 125x = 55x.

Now, maximum oranges that he can buy = 55x/4x = 13.75 i.e., 13 oranges.

Hence, option (d).

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