

Quickly review the author's opinions on opinions before hitting the answer choices, making sure they're clear in your map and your mind. Note that the question is a double negative—you're looking for something with which the author "does not disagree, " i.e. does agree. (B) summarizes the idea expressed in the first half of 1: opinions are harmless in some cases, deadly in others.

Wrong answers:

Option (a): Distortion. This is tricky. The author says, "As it is useful that while mankind are imperfect there should be different opinions... " . This doesn't mean, however, that different opinions exist because of imperfection, only that they're useful while imperfection exists.
Option (c): Opposite. The author's examples in paragraph 1 are meant to demonstrate that personal attacks should be tolerated as long as they cause no harm.
Option (d): Opposite. If this were true, the author's distinction between opinions and actions would be meaningless.

Hence, option (b).

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