

Arranging marks in descending order


Difference in marks between consecutively ranked students:
E – C = 5
H – E = 10
B – H = 9
F – B = 5
D – F = 15
G – D = 6
A – G = 10

Since rank of all students changed after adding marks of LRDI section, hence C who had least marks in Quant section will not have least overall marks.
⇒ C will definitely get non-zero marks in LRDI section.

If exactly 5 students scored zero in LRDI, it means only 3 students scored non-zero marks in LRDI, one of whom is C.

Maximum total score of all students in LRDI can be 60.

If C gets enough marks in LRDI such that he gets the first rank, ranks of all other students will slip by one position. But for this C needs to score at least 61 marks which is not possible.

Suppose C score just enough to change his own rank i.e., C gets 6 marks in LRDI, while one more student gets 1 mark in LRDI, then the third student can get (60 – 6 – 1 =) 53 marks in LRDI section. 

This third student can be H. If H gets 53 marks in LRDI, he will get first rank and ranks of A, G, D, F and B will slip by one position.

∴ Maximum marks scored by a student can be 53.

Hence, 53.

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