Question: What was the life span of Barack Obama?
The people are AL (Abrahim Lincoln), APJ (APJ Kalam Azad), VP (V Putin), EM (Emmanuel Macron) and BO (Barack Obama).
AL lived for 80 years. Hence AL = 630-710
Since VP was 12 years older than APJ, VP was born in 1709 and APJ was born in 1721. Hence, VP = 1709-1772 and APJ = 1721-1798.
This information, and some other information that is directly given can be tabulated as shown:
Since BO was not from India, APJ = India and BO = USA. Thus, the country of leadership of each president has been found.
Based on the above table, EM = 1638-1725 (87 years) or 1746-1787 (41 years)
Since EM had the longest life span, EM = 1638-1725. Hence, BO = 1746-1787. Thus, the life-span of each president has been found.
Also, India = Abolished Slavery. The given data can be shown as below:
The presidents from Russia and Portugal did not introduce Warsaw Pact. Hence, from the table, the president from France introduced Warsaw Pact. i.e. France = Warsaw Pact
Finally, AL and EM introdence Nuclear Armament and MNREGA, in no specific order. Thus, the final table is:
Thus, the life span of Barack Obama was 1746-1787.
Hence, option (e).