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Using condition W:
The magnitudes of the net change in enrollment between 2014 and 2021 is closest among any two universities for TRU and MPU.
Going by the color of the lines the net change for different universities is:
Univ 1: 0.7
Univ 2: 4.4
Univ 3: 0.1
Univ 4: 0.2
Univ 5: 3.3
The closest among these are: Univ 3 and Univ 4. They can possibly be : (TRU/MPU)
Using condition X :
The university LTU must have the same enrollment in consecutive years at least twice :
LTU can either be Univ 3 or Univ 1 but since Univ 3 must be among TRU and MPU. LTU is university 1.
Using condition Y :
The increase in the enrollment of JSU between the years 2015 and 2019 is 50 percent of TRU's total enrollment in 2020.
Considering :
TRU = Univ 4
The enrollment is 5.
TRU = Univ 3
The enrollment is 0.7
For TRU as Univ 3, there is no university whose increase in enrollment between 2015 and 2019 is 50 percent
of TRU.
Hence TRU = Univ 4.
Since the increase in enrollment for JSU is half of TRU. The increase must be half of 5 = 2.5
The only possible case is JSU = Univ 2.
MPU = Univ 3.
LTU = Univ 1
PKU = Univ 5.


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