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Three integers are not known.
Using Statement I:
Average of four smallest integers
= (6 + 8 + 12 + 13)/4 = 39/4
∴ Average of four largest integers


In order to get the largest possible integer, two of the three unknown integers must be lowest possible i.e., 16 and 17.
So, the largest possible integer
= 92 – 22 – 20 – 17 = 33
Statement I can answer the question independently.

Using Statement II:
Sum of 11 integers = 11 × 16 = 176
Sum of the given integers = 110
∴ Sum of three unknown integers = 66
In order to get the largest possible integer, two of the three unknown integers must be lowest possible i.e., 16 and 17.
So, the largest possible integer
= 66 – 16 – 17 = 33
Statement II also answers the question independently.
Hence, option (e).


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