If 5 August, 2005 was a Saturday, what day of the week was it on 3 August, 2004?
Let us count odd days from 3rd August, 2004 till 5th August, 2005.
Number of odd days from 3rd August, 2004 till 3rd August, 2005 is 1.
Then we have 2 more days from 3rd August, 2005 till 5th August, 2005.
∴ There are total 3 odd days from 3rd August, 2004 till 5th August, 2005
So, the day on 3rd August, 2004 + 3 days = Saturday ⇒ the day on 3rd August, 2004 = Saturday - 3 days = Wednesday.
Hence, option (d).