Question: Each question comprises four sentences (A), (B), (C) and (D). Arrange the sentences in a correct and meaningful order.
(A) Some people are born with greater possibilities or ‘potential intelligence’ than others.
(B) Intelligence is improved by learning.
(C) It is no longer thought that intelligence is a general quality, underlying all behaviour and inherited wholly from our parents.
(D) However, this potential may not develop unless it is encouraged and stimulated by influences surrounding the child from birth.
Choose the correct option :
[C] starts the paragraph by laying out the idea : It is no longer thought that intelligence is an inherited quality. [B] then explains that intelligence is improved by learning. [A] brings in another point by stating ‘some people are born with potential intelligence’. [D] completes the paragraph by stating that this potential intelligence also needs to be stimulated so that it can develop. Thus the correct sequence is CBAD.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.