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Returns for Alpha
= (1.49 × 1.05) + (3.01 × 1.12) + (7.01 × 0.95) + (1.51 × 1.15) + (7.48 × 1.11) + (9.99 × 1.21) + (9.01 × 1.08) + (25.98 × 1.06) + (14.5 × 1.25) + (5.98 × 1.18) + (4.5 × 1.1) + (5.51 × 0.98) + (4.03 × 1.17)
= 111.2383
Similarly, returns for Beta = 107.2281
and for Gama = 109.4837
Hence, option (a).


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