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Considering the first letters of each term.

There are 2 alphabets in between D and G (E and F). 

There are 3 alphabets between G and K (H, I and J).

There are 4 alphabets between K and P (L, M, N, and O)

Hence, there will be 5 alphabets between P and the required letter. Thus, the required letter will be V (Q, R, S, T and U)

Considering the second letter of each term.

There are three alphabets between each of the second terms, I and M (J, K, L), M and Q (N, O, P), and Q and U (R, S, T).

Hence, there will be three terms between the required term and U, i.e., V, W, X. Thus, the required second term is Y.

Hence, option (a).

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