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Option (a): This is what Ghosh has been arguing in the passage by referring to non-European societies and their view of Earth as a living creature.

Option (b): Paragraph 2 entablishes the link between colonialism and  Earth's exploitation.

Option (c): Paragraph 2 states: "Two, how this was an invasion not only of humans but of the Earth itself, and how this continues to the present day by looking at nature as a ‘resource’ to exploit. . . .". This tells us that colonialism perceived Earth as something to be exploited.

Option (d) is wrong. Paragraph 4 says: "invaders and their myriad backers in the fields of economics, politics, anthropology, philosophy, literature, technology, physics, chemistry, biology have dominated global intellectual discourse". This clearly states that academic dicussions were dominated by section of soceity which did not care about  environment protection.

Hence, option (d).


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