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Sentence 4 introduces the concept that biased decisions, initially localized when made by humans, gain a broader impact with the emergence of AI, laying the groundwork for subsequent discussion.

Considering Sentences 1 and 2, we observe Sentence 1 elaborating on the ramifications of biased decisions within the AI context, emphasizing that algorithms, accessible to many via the internet, magnify adverse effects on larger populations. Hence, sentence 1 follows sentence 4.

Sentence 2 clarifies "algorithmic bias," stressing that biases stem from the data rather than the algorithms themselves, reflecting persistent patterns in training data. Hence, sentence 2 logically follows sentence 1.

Sentence 3 highlights that despite AI biases' widespread impact, rectifying them is comparatively easier than human biases since it's simpler to detect and address algorithmic biases than to unlearn ingrained human behaviors over generations. This conclusion logically extends from the point made in Sentence 2.

Hence, 4123.


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