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Option (a): This can be inferred from para 5. "The development of warm fur clothes among the Inuit living north of the Arctic Circle was not because one influential Inuit leader persuaded other Inuit in 1783 to adopt warm fur clothes, for no good environmental reason."

Option (b): This can be inferred from para 2. "Instead, the crops and domestic animals that now make Australia a food and wool exporter are all non-native (mainly Eurasian) species such as sheep, wheat, and grapes, brought to Australia by overseas colonists"

Option (c): This can be inferred from para 4. "... many genetic, historical, psychological, and anthropological explanations advanced a century ago were also racist..."

Option (d): The passage does talk about cultural, individual choices affecting human phenomenon as well as bio-geographical factors but it there is no comparison as to which type of factors are more prevalent. 

Hence, option (d).


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