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168 = 23 × 21 = 23 × 3 × 7
1134 = 2 × 567 = 2 × 34 × 7 

Now (1134)n = 2n × 34n × 7n 
Since 168 (23 × 3 × 7) completely divides 1134n (2n × 34n × 7n)
⇒ Power of 2 in 1134n ≥ Power of 2 in 168
⇒ n ≥ 3
Similarly, we can check for power of 3 and power of 7 and we get the least value of n = 3.

Now (168)m = 23m × 3m × 7m 
Since 1134n (2n × 34n × 7n = 23 × 312 × 73) completely divides 168m (23m × 3m × 7m)
⇒ Power of 3 in 168m ≥ Power of 3 in 1134n 
⇒ m ≥ 12
Similarly, we can check for power of 2 and power of 7 and we get the least value of m = 12.

∴ n + m = 3 + 12 = 15

Hence, option (c).


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