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Four music composers assigned one item; among items 1 to 4; to each of the four finalist. These four composers assigned one item; among items 5 to 8; to different finalists.
From (v), as items assigned by Ashman were performed consecutively, these must be the fourth and the fifth performances.

From (iii), (iv) and (v), the first, the fourth, the fifth and the eighth performances were composed by Badal, Ashman, Ashman, Gagan respectively. Also as the number of performances between items assigned by each of the remaining composers was the same, Badal and Gagan must have composed 6th and 3rd items. Therefore, the second and the seventh items were composed by Dyu. As Ashman and Gagan composed items for Rani, using (ii), we can concluded that Gagan’s other composition was performed by Queen. Also, using (i), Badal’s other composition was performed by Samragni.

Thus, we have


It can be seen that the second performance was composed by Dyu.

Hence, option (c).


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