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We can get the answer to this question from the last two paragraphs which read, “Christian maps from the same era (called Mappa Mundi) put east at the top, towards the Garden of Eden and with Jerusalem in the centre … when Columbus describes the world it is in accordance with east being at the top,” “Columbus says he is going towards paradise, so his mentality is from a medieval mappa mundi.” Option 1 is incorrect. It is factually incorrect to say that the explorers Columbus and Magellan set the precedent for north-up maps.
Option 2 is incorrect. The passage states that they navigated by the North Star and not by the compass. Eliminate option 2.
Option 3 is correct. When Columbus says he is going towards paradise, he meant going east and implicitly towards the Garden of Eden or paradise which were religious beliefs of the time. Retain option 3.
Option 4 is incorrect. It is stated that Columbus and Magellan navigated the world by the North Star. Though there is mention of the Mappa Mundi in this context, the data in the passage is not conclusive about they used the Mappa Mundi or not. Eliminate option 4.
Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

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