Three Englishmen and three Frenchmen work for the same company. Each of them knows a secret not known to others. They need to exchange these secrets over person-to-person phone calls so that eventually each person knows all six secrets. None of the Frenchmen knows English, and only one Englishman knows French. What is the minimum number of phone calls needed for the above purpose?
Let E1, E2 and E3 be the three Englishmen and F1, F2 and F3 be the three Frenchmen.
Let E3 be the only Englishman knowing French.
Now, Let A ↔ B denote a phone call between A and B, where they both tell each other their secrets.The following phone calls will ensure that all six persons know all the six secrets.
1. E1 ↔ E3 2. E2 ↔ E3 (Now E3 knows all the secrets with the Englishmen)
3. F1 ↔ F3 4. F2 ↔ F3 (Now F3 knows all the secrets with the Frenchmen)
5. F3 ↔ E3 (Now F3 and E3 know all the secrets)
6. E3 ↔ E2 7. E3 ↔ E1 (Now E1 and E2 know all the secrets)
8. F3 ↔ F2 9. F3 ↔ F1 (Now F1 and F2 know all the secrets)
Thus, a minimum of 9 calls are needed to pass all the secrets to all the six persons.
Hence, option (c).