

The approximate values in the bar chart can be tablated as follows.

Following table is sorted list for all three crime categories where in each category, states are arrranged in descending order (from top to bottom) according to the number of cases. The 'Rank' column determines the rank of each state among all states/UTs of India.

Observe that in IPC crimes category, Maharashtra and Karnataka are ranked 3. So Delhi and Goa would be ranked 1 and 2 respectively.

In Other crimes category, Delhi is clearly ranked 1 as it has the highest number of cases.

In SLL crimes category, West Bengal and Karnataka are ranked 1 and 2 respectively. Since Goa and Maharashtra have been ranked 4. Also Delhi's number of cases (36) is lesser than that of Karnataka (49), so Delhi cannot be ranked 2. So it has to be ranked 3. Please note that Delhi having 36 cases was an approximate value.

Required sum = 1 + 3 + 1 = 5.

Hence, 5.

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