The passage uses an observation by T.S. Eliot to imply that
The questions refers to the end of the passage, “As T.S Eliot observed, no one starts anything from scratch; however consciously you may try to live in the present, you are still involved with a nexus of behaviour patterns bequeathed from the past. The original and creative person is not someone who ignores these patterns, but someone who is able to translate and develop them so that they confirm more exactly to his - and our - present needs”. Option 1 is incorrect. The second sentence means that original ‘creative processes’ exist although the artist may be “involved with a nexus of behaviour patterns bequeathed from the past”. Options 2 and 3 do not maintain the tone of the passage, and hence are eliminated in favour of option 5. Option 4 contradicts the passage. The passage mentions that the ‘originality’ of ideas and concepts developed by artists owe genesis to behaviour patterns bequeathed from the past. Option 5 can be inferred from the extract above, especially the italicised portions. Hence, the correct answer is option 5.
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