Question: Tina gets a message that her work has to be completed between 9:00 hrs. and 17:00 hrs. If she wants minimize the total time out of Jamshedpur, the best option, from the options given below, for her among the following is to go by
Note that in this question, the work needs to be completed any time between 9:00 hours and 17:00 hours. It DOES NOT mean that the work has to be started and completed between the9:00 hours and 17:00 hours.
Consider each option.
Option 1:
Since there are 2 train journeys,
Travel time = (2 × 10) + (2 × 35) + Actual travel in 12443 + Actual travel in 12444 = 20 + 70 + 1120 + 1035 = 2245 minutes
Work time = 360 minutes.
If she goes by train 12443, she will reach the work site at 11:10 hours and finish the work at 17:10 hours which violates the condition of the question.
So, she will have to wait till 03:00 hours on the next day to start the work so that she can complete the work at 09:00 hours. This is a wait of 950 minutes.
Once she finishes the work at 09:00 hours, she will have to wait till 16:45 hours on that day to catch train 12444. This is a waiting time of 465 minutes.
Total waiting time = 950 + 465 = 1415 minutes.
So, total time = 2245 + 360 + 1415 = 4020 minutes.
Option 2:
Since there are 2 train journeys,
Travel time = (2 × 10) + (2 × 35) + Actual travel in 12801 + Actual travel in 12802 = 20 + 70 + 1325 + 1305 = 2720 minutes
Work time = 360 minutes.
If she goes by train 12801, she will reach the work site at 05:25 hours, start immediately and finish the work at 11:25 hours which satisfies the condition of the question.
Once she finishes the work at 11:15 hours, she will have to wait till 21:45 hours on that day to catch train 12802. This is a waiting time of 630 minutes.
So, total time = 2720 + 360 + 630 = 3710 minutes.
Hence, option (a) can be eliminated.
Option 3:
Since there are 2 flight journeys,
Travel time = 435 × 2 = 870 minutes
Work Time = 360 minutes
If she goes by AI 9810, she will reach the work site at 11:15 hours and finish the work at 17:15 hours which violates the condition of the question.
So, she will have to wait till 03:00 hours on the next day to start the work so that she can complete the work at 09:00 hours. This is a wait of 945 minutes.
Once she finishes the work at 09:00 hours, she will have to wait till 03:20 hours on the next day to catch AI 9809. This is a waiting time of 1100 minutes.
Total waiting time = 945 + 1100 = 2045 minutes.
So, total time = 870 + 360 + 2045 = 3275 minutes.
Hence, option (b) can be eliminated.
Option 4:
Since there are 2 flight journeys,
Travel time = 435 × 2 = 870 minutes
Work Time = 360 minutes
If she goes by AI 810, she will reach the work site at 18:40 hours and finish the work at 00:40 hours which violates the condition of the question.
So, she will have to wait till 03:00 hours on the next day to start the work so that she can complete the work at 09:00 hours. This is a wait of 500 minutes.
Once she finishes the work at 09:00 hours, she will have to wait till 03:20 hours on the next day to catch AI 9809. This is a waiting time of 1100 minutes.
Total waiting time = 500 + 1100 = 1600 minutes.
So, total time = 870 + 360 + 1600 = 2830 minutes.
Hence, option (c) can be eliminated.
Option 5:
Since there are 2 flight journeys,
Travel time = 435 × 2 = 870 minutes
Work Time = 360 minutes
If she goes by IT 3348, she will reach the work site at 22:35 hours and finish the work at 04:35 hours which violates the condition of the question.
So, she will have to wait till 03:00 hours on the next day to start the work so that she can complete the work at 09:00 hours. This is a wait of 265 minutes.
Once she finishes the work at 09:00 hours, she will have to wait till 14:40 hours on the same day to catch IT 3347. This is a waiting time of 340 minutes.
Total waiting time = 265 + 340 = 605 minutes.
So, total time = 870 + 360 + 605 = 1835 minutes.
Hence, option (d) can be eliminated.
Hence, option (e).