In the passage, which of the following similarities between science and art may lead to erroneous conclusions?
Option 2 is incorrect. The passage states, “Not all movements were exclusively concerned with innovation” - implying that some artistic movements were concerned with innovation. However, there is no mention of the status of innovation with regard to science. Hence, there is no data for comparison. Option 3 is incorrect. While it is mentioned that groups of artists, painters and thinkers collaborated together to develop concepts of modern art, the passage is silent on the case of the scientific world. Option 4 is incorrect because ‘the dissemination of ideas’ is only referred to in the case of Art and not to science. Option 5 applies only to Art and not to Science. Option 1 can be obtained from “It is almost tempting to see a pattern emerging within the art field - or alternatively imposed upon it a posteriori - similar to that which exists under the umbrella of science where the general term covers a whole range of separate, though interconnecting, activities. Any parallelism is however - in this instance at least - misleading.” The last sentence shows that the author of the passage feels that the analogy is misleading - leading to erroneous conclusions. Hence, the correct answer is option 1.
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