Question: Directions for Summary: A paragraph is followed by four options which have summarized the passage in their own way. Pick the option that best summarizes the passage:
Foreign peacekeepers often exist in a bubble in the poor countries in which they are deployed; they live in posh compounds, drive fancy vehicles, and distance themselves from locals. This may be partially justified as they are outsiders, living in constant fear, performing a job that is emotionally draining. But they are often despised by the locals, and many would like them to leave. A better solution would be bottom-up peacebuilding, which would involve their spending more time working with communities, understanding their grievances and earning their trust, rather than only meeting government officials.
Option (a) only catures the reason for aloofness of peacekeepers, but does not provide the solution.
Option (b) justifies the anger of local agains the peacekeepers but again does not provide any solution.
Option (c) captures the essence of the passage well.
Option (d) Nowhere in the passage is it mentioned that peacekeeping duties should be performed by locals themselves.
Hence, option (c).