In each of the following questions there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.
Statement A is incorrect because the word immigrant has been mis-spelt as “imigrant” (with an ‘m’ missing). Options 3, 4 and 5 can be eliminated. We are left with only options 1(B only) and 2(B and C). Statement C should have a comma at the end, after “David Stern”. Statement B is correct. Statement D should be ‘an owner of a dry goods business’. Statement E can be corrected in at least two different ways. “This dry goods business would later be known as ...” Or, “This dry goods business later became known as ...”(Omitted ‘would’). Hence, the correct answer is option 1.
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