

Educated people opposing something does not make it illegal. Thus option 1 is fallacious. Since Marlon Brando is liked by everyone, he must be a famous person or else not everybody would know him. He is famous because he is an actor. Thus only liking an actor does not make him great. Thus option 2 is also fallacious. If one is taking risks, it will also have some costs. Thus option 3 is correct. Retain it. If the snake is drinking milk, he must like it as if the snake does not like milk, he will search for some other food irrespective of the milk being offered to him. Thus option 4 can be negated. Cheating in exams is wrong because not all student cheat and honest students then are at a disadvantage. Thus the reasoning in option 5 is also fallacious.
Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

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