

It is given that 4 order which were booked on 11th day were delivered on 13th day.

⇒ Out of 11 orders delivered on 13th day, 11 – 4 = 7 were booked on 12th day.

Out of total orders booked on 12th day 6 were delivered on 14th day and 1 order was lost at the end of the 14th day.

∴ Total orders booked on 12th day = 7 (delivered on 13th day) + 6 (delivered on 14th day) + 1 (lost at the end of 14th day) = 14.


Total orders booked on 13th day = 21 (delivered on 14th day) + 8 (delivered on 15th day) + 2 (lost at the end of 15th day) = 31.

Total orders booked on 14th day = 249 – 219 = 30.

Out of these 30 orders 23 – 8 = 15 orders were delivered on 15th day.

Also, of the orders booked on 14th day orders lost om 16th day = 12.

∴ Of the orders booked on 14th day orders delivered on 16th day = 30 – 15 – 12 = 3.

Similarly, we can make the following table for orders booked and delivered.


Fraction of orders booked on 13th day which were lost = 2/31
Fraction of orders booked on 14th day which were lost = 12/30
Fraction of orders booked on 15th day which were lost = 12/28
Fraction of orders booked on 16th day which were lost = 2/25

Largest of these fractions is 12/28 i.e., for 15th day.

Hence, option (d).

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