A number of sentences are given below which, when properly sequenced, from a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentence from among the four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Realists believe that there is an objective reality “out there” independent of ourselves. B. This reality exists solely by virtue of how the world is, and it is in principle discoverable by application of the methods of science. C. They believe in the possibility of determining whether or not a theory is indeed really true or false. D. I think it is fair to say that this is the position to which most working scientists subscribe.
A. introduces the view of realists regarding reality, B. refers to ‘this reality’ and should follow A. C. refers to the realists again by using ‘they’ and should follow A. and B. D. presents the author’s view about the given position.
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