Question: Arrange the sentences A, B, C, and D from a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.
1. Count Rumford is perhaps best known for his observations on the nature of heat.
A. He undertook several experiments in order to test the theories of the origin of frictional heat.
B. According to the calorists, the heat was produced by the “caloric” squeezed out of he chips in the process of separating them from the larger pieces of metal.
C. Lavoisier had introduced the term “caloric” for the weightless substance heat, and had included it among the chemical elements, along with carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
D. In the munitions factory in Munich, Rumford noticed that a considerable degree of heat developed in a brass gun while it was being bored.
6. Rumford could not believe that the big amount of heat generated could have come from the small amount of dust created.
A. introduces us to Rumford’s experiments, D. tells us about his observations. C. introduces the term ‘caloric’, B. explains the term.