Question: Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
Relations between the factory and the dealer are distant and usually strained as the factory tries to force cars on the dealers to smooth out production. Relations between the dealer and the customer are equally strained because dealers continuously adjust prices - make deals - to adjust demand with supply while maximizing profits. This becomes a system marked by a lack of long- term commitment on either side, which maximize feelings of mistrust. In order to maximize their bargaining positions, everyone holds back information- the dealer about the product and the consumer about his true desires.______________________
All options begin with “as a result”. One has the freedom to ignore this or to work intensely on this phrase. ‘As a result’ indicates that one needs to discover the immediate consequence of the details given in the paragraph. Option 4 is the first to get eliminated as it is not a consequence at all.
Options 1 and 2 are not consequences but what may currently exist in the industry; as explained in the paragraph.
Option 3 brings in ‘adversary’ and ‘ally’. This is hardly sustained by the data in the paragraph, unless one justifies them. If one justifies them, the option gets eliminated, because again, it is not a consequence, but what exists there.
The direct consequence is stated briefly in option 5 bringing the paragraph to a smooth closure as no further clarification is required. “As a result” has to be worked upon and not ignored.
Hence, the correct answer is option 5.