Question: Directions: Each question consists of five statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
A. All cigarettes are hazardous to health.
B. Brand X is a cigarette.
C. Brand X is hazardous to health.
Here, ABC is a valid option, where statement C can be concluded from statements A and B.
A. MBAs are in great demand.
B. Ram and Sita are in great demand.
C. Ram is in great demand.
D. Sita is in great demand.
E. Ram and Sita are MBAs.
(c) AEB is the correct answer choice, as it forms a valid syllogism.
(a) ABE is invalid because R + S need not be MBAs, just because both are in great demand.
(b) ECD makes no sense.
(d) EBA is invalid. Just because R + S are MBAs and in great demand does not mean that ‘all MBAs are in
great demand’. It would, however, be valid to conclude the ‘some MBAs are in great demand’.