

(a) ABC is the correct answer choice, as it forms a valid syllogism.

MI = Modern Industry
TD = Thing that is technology-driven
All modern industries are technology-driven.
BTI is a modern industry
Therefore, BTI is technology-driven.
(b) ABD is invalid, although it is similar to the correct option ABC.

It is invalid simply because the statement D: ‘BTI may be technology-driven, is a tantalogous statement (that
is, it is always true, regardless of what the premises say).
(c) BCA is invalid. Just because BTI is a modern industry and it is technology-driven, it does not mean that all MI are TD. It would, however, be valid to conclude that ‘Some MI are TD’.
(d) EBC is invalid, because if BTI is a modern industry, we cannot definitely conclude that it is technologydriven, as evident from the Venn diagram.

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