

Consider the solution for the first question of this set.


Amount of money raised in 2014 by
A = 3
B = 2 or 3
C = 2
D = 2
​​​​​​​E = 1 or 2

If the total amount of money raised by them in 2014 is 12 crores this is possible only when B raised 3 crores i.e., case 1 for B and E raises 2 crores i.e., case 1 or 2 for E.

We have the following cases left.


Option (a): A and D can both raise 4 crores in 2013, hence option (a) is possible.
Option (b): B raises 3 crores and E raises 2 crores in 2014, hence option (b) is possible.
Option (c): B cannot raise the same amount as E in 2013, hence option (c) is not possible.
Option (d): A and B can both raise 3 crores in 2014, hence option (d) is possible.

Hence, option (c).

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