

Among the given days the magnitude of change in difference of the maximum price in an interval of two days is :

Day 1 - Day 3 : ( 2415, 2440) : 25

Day 2 - Day 4 : ( 2432.5, 2455) : 22.5

Day 3 - Day 5 : ( 2440, 2415) = 25

Day 4 - Day 6 : ( 2455, 2400) = 55

Day 5 - Day 7 : ( 2415, 2367.5) = 47.5

Day 6 - Day 8 : (2400, 2330) = 70

Day 7 - Day 9 : ( 2367.5, 2330) = 52.5

Day 8 - Day 10 : (2330, 2332.5) = 2.5

The maximum difference among the possible cases is : 70

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