

We are told that a liar believes that he knows the truth and attempts to convince us of the opposite, while a bullshitter is not concerned about either the truth or lies but only about deceiving the listener. Hence, their agendas differ largely - the former focuses on lying, while the latter engages in deception [ the end outcome]. Hence, for a liar to become a bullshitter, he needs to focus on the outcome - i.e. deceiving others.
Option C comes closest to capturing this idea.

Option A:

The statement here is quite vague - deception is involved in both cases. The liar much be unconcerned by/detached from the truth [it is unclear if this relates to the idea of 'not responding']

Option B:

We cannot conclusively state that a liar can transform into a bullshitter by not being worried about the correct 'apprehension of reality' - the idea is not relevant to the discussion on a bullshitter [i.e. the author has not presented it as a trait of a bullshitter]

Option D:

The same applies to the bullshitter - both categories of individuals conceal their intentions [only that in the case of bullshitters, they are much less or not at all concerned about the truth]

Option E:

Note that a bullshitter is not concerned with the state of affairs as demonstrated by these lines - "What bullshit essentially misrepresents is neither the state of affairs to which it refers nor the beliefs of the speaker concerning that state of affairs."

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