

Total percentage incentive when number of team members = 1 = 100%
Total percentage incentive when the number of team members = 2 =160%
Total percentage incentive when the number of team members = 3=180%
Total percentage incentive when the number of team members = 4= 190%
Total percentage incentive when the number of team members >4 = 200%
From 1, Number of people in 8 different projects = 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 respectively
From 2, Given, exactly three projects are rated C and 4.8 lakh is paid in total
A minimum of 3 lakhs has to be paid for rating C => 3 *1.6 = 4.8lakhs ⇒ All 2 member teams have been rated C
From 3, one project has been rated A*. Let that project be handled by the team of 3 members ⇒ Incentives = 180% of 6 = 10.8 lakh
Now remaining 6, 3, 3, 3 should be either rated A or B and the total incentives should be equal to 45 - 10.8 - 4.8 = 29.4 lakhs
Let us assume 6 has been rated B ⇒ Incentives = 200% of 3 = 6 lakhs
The remaining 23.4 lakhs should come from 180% 23.41.8 = 13 lakhs

Hence the remaining 3,3,3 can be rated as A, A, B
Hence final ratings are and total payouts are
6 - B - 6lakhs
3- A - 9 lakhs
3-A - 9 lakhs
3-B - 5.4 lakhs
3-A* - 10.8lakhs
2-C - 1.6 lakhs
2-C - 1.6 lakhs
2-C - 1.6 lakhs

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