Question: Mark the arrangement that does not fall between step numbers 12 and 14.
If we divide the given input into 5 groups with 2 words each then the groups can be written as:
Group 1: Smile Nile
Group 2: Style Mile
Group 3: Shine Wine
Group 4: Mine Swine
Group 5: Bovine Feline
Group numbers are given in the order in which they are given in that STEP.
Then the steps of rearrangement can be written as:
STEP 1: Position of group 4 is interchanged with position of group 5.
STEP 2: Position of group 1 in step 1 is interchanged with position of group 2.
STEP 3: Position of the words of group 3 in step 2 is interchanged.
STEP 4: Position of words of group 1, group 2, group 3 and group 5 are interchanged.
For example: If the words in group 1 in step 3 are Smile Nile then the words in group 1 of step 4 will be Nile Smile.
STEP 5: Position of group 1 is interchanged with position of group 2 and position of group 4 is interchanged with position of group 5.
STEP 6: Position of group 4 is interchanged with the position of group 5.
STEP 7: Position of group 1 is interchanged with the position of group 2.
∴ We can say that the algorithm of rearrangement repeats after 5 steps.
∴ STEP 8 for the given input will be:
STEP 8: Mile Style Nile Smile Shine Wine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
STEP 9: Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
STEP 10: Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline
STEP 11: Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
STEP 12: Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
STEP 13: Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
STEP 14: Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
STEP 15: Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Swine Mine Feline Bovine
STEP 16: Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
STEP 17: Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
STEP 18: Mile Style Nile Smile Shine Wine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
STEP 19: Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
STEP 20: Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline
Referring the Steps given in the solution we get that,
Option A is step 13.
Option B is step 14.
Option C is step 12.
Option D does not fall between step numbers 12 and 14.
Hence, option (d).