Question: Manjeet Tyagi was born on September 5, 1988 and completed his graduation in Economics from Garwal University with 68 percent marks in 2009. He subsequently completed his PG Diploma in Journalism from Punjab University in July 2010, but his marks dropped by ten percentage points vis-à-vis his graduation results. After completing PG degree, Manjeet immediately joined in a data analytics firm and worked there for one and half years as business analyst, after which he joined the Delhi-based English daily Financial Standard as a trade and industry expert for writing regular columns on these areas.
Manjeet was born on September 5, 1988. His age in August 2014 is 25. Hence, I is satisfied.
He scored 68% in graduation. Hence, II is satisfied.
He scored 10 percentage points less than what he scored in graduation in PG diploma i.e. 58%. Hence, III is satisfied.
Manjeet worked at a data analytics firm from July 2010 till January 2012.
Hence, from January 2012 to August 2014 i.e. for more than 2 years, he worked for an English daily Financial Standard.
Hence, IV is also satisfied.
Since 3 conditions other than I are satisfied.
Manjeet can be selected.
Hence, option (a).